Having suggestions for my soon-to-be fifth grader is what led me to create this series of posts on the best book series for kids. My oldest advanced in reading ability very quickly when he was young, because he wanted to read Harry Potter. However, I don’t want him to miss out on awesome series, just because he is ABLE to read more advanced books. Below are some suggestions based on what our family has found to be the best book series for fifth grade. Many of these we have done as read-alouds, but I’m sure I will add to this list as my kids find new series that they enjoy on their own.
Note that these fifth grade books are targeted at 10 and 11 year olds. However, remember that all children are different. Whatever your child’s age, they will have the most success if you find books that are at or just above their current reading level.
Fifth Grade Book Series
The Penderwicks
So far we have only done the first book in this series as a read aloud for a book club, but my 5, 8, and 10 year olds all loved it. That is a rare feat. I don’t think I could get my current fifth grader to follow up on this series on his own as it revolves around 4 sisters, but I am definitely going to bring these books into our household when my daughter reaches this reading level. These books are funny, charming, wholesome, and are filled with a diverse and interesting cast of characters.
Green Ember
There are only 4 main books in this Green Ember series, but these books are fantastic. Featuring rabbits and wolves, they are full of adventure, character development, and the classic fight between good and evil. Our family has been listening to this series since the first three audiobooks are included free with our Scribd subscription. We haven’t listened to the last book yet, but we will be sad for the series to end.
The Chronicles of Narnia
As a child, I only read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and I don’t remember it making that big of an impression. However, I did the book again as a read aloud for my family about a year ago, and I was blown away. This Narnia series has really withstood the test of time. It is one of our family’s favorite series. My 10 year old who is a die-hard Harry Potter fan says he likes these books almost as much as Harry Potter.
Little House on the Prairie
I have done the first two books in this Little House series as read-alouds. The are not my oldest child’s favorite as he feels like there is not enough action. There are also several descriptive passages that make my youngest children wander away. However, I think they are sweet, wholesome, and endearing. Historically speaking, I think it is also fascinating to learn about how people lived back then. Even though I don’t have a child that loves them yet, I had to include them on this list. I’m hoping when my daughter is old enough, she will be a bigger fan than my son.
Ramona Books
Everybody loves Ramona. Am I right? She will never get old. This is probably the series that turned me into a reader back when I was a kid. I couldn’t get enough of Ramona. We have done nearly every book in the series at some point or another as a read-aloud and my kids think she is hilarious. Even as an adult, I still enjoy reading them. They feel very human. Beverly Clearly very accurately captured human dynamics and emotions in a way that is relatable to all ages. If your child likes Ramona, be sure to check out the Henry Huggins and the Mouse and the Motorcycle series.
You Choose Series
If you have a child that is a fan of non-fiction, I highly recommend this You Choose series. It is very similar to the Choose Your Own Adventures books that we all read as kids, except the fictional scenarios are based on real events. The have stories based on history, science, mythology, survival scenarios and more. My child definitely prefers to read things like comic books and Harry Potter, but he enjoys these as well. Since they are educational, I keep buying him more once he’s thoroughly exhausted all the possible paths in the ones he has. I’m definitely planning to save them and have all my kids go through them as we study history and science.
Nancy Drew
My daughter isn’t old enough yet to read Nancy Drew, but I remember really enjoying these books as a kid. Are children really so different now than they were 30 years ago? I’m sure there are elements of these books that seem dated, but if you are looking for a wholesome, fun series for girls who like mysteries, this might be it.
I read the first book in this Warriors series as a read aloud for our local book club. Everyone down to the first grader enjoyed this adventure series involving clans of wild cats. At the time we read it, my oldest was not yet able to read at this reading level on his own, but I will definitely be trying it again with him soon. The author has written a ton of books about this fantasy world, so this would be a great series to try if you are looking to foster a reading addiction in your child.
The Inkworld triology is a great example of a child’s book series that can be equally enjoyed by adults. We listened to these on audiobook a few years back. I highly recommend the audiobook versions. The voice actor was doing such a phenomenal job that at one point I missed my exit on the freeway. I was so entranced by the story that I completely forgot where I was going.
Related Links:
Best Book Series for Kids
Best Books for Kids
Personal Family Favorites