Board games are such a great way to motivate preschoolers to learn skills they will need for the rest of their life, like counting and reading, not to mention taking turns and how to be a good sport. There are SOOO many options available for preschoolers.
We probably own at least a dozen games meant for this age range. Most of them you won’t see on this page, because given the wide range of board games available, I don’t think you need to settle for anything less than amazing. For example, all kids love Chutes and Ladders, right? I, on the other hand, can’t stand it. It seriously NEVER ends. These games below are only the ones that my kids and I both enjoy, which means they actually get played on a regular basis.
Below are some games our family has enjoyed for preschoolers. Click on each game below for a detailed review.
Family Favorites
The games below have been enjoyed by our whole family and in particular by our preschoolers. If you are going to invest in a game, these are the ones that I highly recommend.
All Preschool Games
Here are all the games that our family has enjoyed along with some thoughts about our experiences playing them. Some of these games will become family favorites at later ages, but the preschooler is able to enjoy them with help as well.
Click here for more Board Games Reviews for kids of all ages.
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