In the eyes of a child, dinosaurs. are. ah-mazing. (Don’t get me wrong, even as a full-grown adult, I think they’re pretty cool too.) Who isn’t impressed by giant, awe-inspiring creatures that walked the earth too long ago to even comprehend. Unlike other incredible creatures you learn about as a kid, like dragons and unicorns, grown-ups will actually tell you that dinosaurs are NOT make-believe. This news would probably be terrifying, except for the fact that thankfully, there aren’t any of them left.
My oldest child has been fascinated with dinosaurs his whole life (all 6 years of it). Since I support the idea of child led learning, I’m always asking him what he would like to learn about. As he gets older, I’m thinking his interests will probably grow, but for the past couple years, his answer has always been dolphins, space, and dinosaurs.
If you have the opportunity to take your child to see dinosaur bones and fossils at a natural history museum or some other place, I highly recommend making the trip. All of my kids have loved these sorts of places since they were toddlers. As an adult, I love them too.
Here are the paleontology activities and free printables on this site so far:
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