Looking for free, educational goodies? You’ve come to the right place. I love creating hands-on, interactive material for helping my kids learn.

Here you will find links to all of the posts on this website that contain free printables. They are randomly sorted within each subject. If you have some extra time and are looking for a certain topic, I recommend navigating using the menus. By starting at my Learning Activities page for example, you can find all the related posts for a given subject area including the free printables.
Sign up for my newsletter to be notified when new free material is available. All printables are for personal or classroom use only. Enjoy!
Book Lists
Additionally, each of my book lists contains a link to a printable version which can be used as a checklist.
Related Links
Learning Activities for Kids
Best Books for Kids
Play Ideas for Kids
I am in love with your site.Thanks a ton for all the efforts that you put in making all these things available for us & that too free.Hope with these resources we can teach our kids better n make them good and responsible.
I am looking for flash cards for animals,their young ones names,their shelter names n their habitats all in one flash cards.Incase you make them it will be of great help.
Thanks Tanushree, I’m so glad you like my printables. The only animal flashcards I have are these ones: https://researchparent.com/world-zoology-cards/ They don’t specify habitats, but rather the country they come from. Hopefully in the future I’ll be able to make more! I’m having a baby in about 3 months, so it might be awhile before I get around to it. I hope you can use these zoology cards in the meantime. :)
Just bumped into your site. Love it. Thank you for being free. I am simply a teacher trying to “sale” across the world into reading to and with all readers.
Thank you so much! I want as many people as possible to be able to access my resources and I’m glad you like them. :)
I’m a homeschooling mom always on the lookout for free, good quality resources such as yours. I discovered your sit through Pinterest. I’m sure it takes a lot of time and effort to research the information and images and format them. Thank you for offering your printables for free.
Love the cards! I use them as trading cards for my daughter. Whenever she learns about a new item she earns the card. I was wondering what format you are using I would like to make her matching cards for some of her other topics.
Thanks, Terrasa! I made them in Photoshop. If you have suggested topics, let me know and I’ll see if I can make some time to put them together. :)
Thank you so much times a billion. We are going to use these for our homeschool. If you can find the time I would love more. Thanks.
Thanks, Stephanie! I definitely have plans to make a lot more, but finding time is the challenge. More are coming, just slowly. ;)
Hi, these are great!
Thank you!
Do you have the 11 and 12 times table available to download at all?
I don’t at the moment, but I might be able to make sheets for that as well! I will let you know! :)
Research Parent is the best, absolutely the very best website I have come across so far. Thank you for this resource. I can clearly see many hours and days of hard work gone in making something fun and resourceful like this. As my tiny contribution, I always make sure to click and buy things I need via your website. Thanks again.
Awww, thank you so much! I have been working on this for a long time and I enjoy it, but it is always so nice to hear positive feedback! :)
Thank u so much. U really a great parent. I have to learn much from u. Even I don’t know who u are. U already become my favourite person. Love u from Aceh. Indonesia
Awww, thank you so much, Moly! I appreciate your kind words. Love back from California, United States.
You are a rock star, Momma! Thank you for the time and effort you put into this babies (for your babies 🤩). I hope you continually find ways to keep blessing others with your God-given brain. Grateful for you!
Thank you so much, Alexandra! I really appreciate your kind words.
Thank you for sharing !! I love it
Thank you! I hope you find some of my resources helpful! 😊
Thanks Michelle, I love your stem activities! Nice to see a fun free site made with a lot of love! I will be back for more!
Thank you, Peter! I hope you find some resources you can use!