My kids are always wanting to write their own stories. For awhile, I was typing them up as they told them to me, printing them, then letting them draw pictures underneath. (You can see some examples in this review of a binding machine.) However, using this illustration paper for kids, they can be a lot more independent in their authorship. I wouldn’t want to ruin anyone’s stories with a watermark, so this free printable is completely unmarked.
Another great way to use this paper is to help kids document what they learn. I like to have my kids draw pictures of what we’ve been talking about. Then afterwards, they practice sounding things out phonetically to write a sentence to go along with their illustration. This is an example of what my first grader learned about the Taj Mahal. As part of our history learning, I have them glue what they work on into a composition book.
If your child is still working on the motor skills needed for writing, I learned a great tip from a friend. Use a yellow marker to write out what the child wants to say. Then they can practice tracing the marker with a pencil to write their dictated sentence. My daughter loves that it is her own words that she is tracing.
Recommended Age Range: Kindergarten, Early Elementary
Time Required: 1 minute
Difficulty: Easy
Cost: Free printable
Print out the version you desire as many times as you want:
Free Printable Illustration Paper for Kids
Lines for Young Writers – No Name Line
Lines for Young Writers – With Name Line
Wide Ruled for Older Writers – No Name Line
Wide Ruled for Older Writers – With Name Line
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