This page contains a list of my own family’s favorite books for preschool. They were chosen entirely by the current and former preschooler in my family, though I imagine the list will get added to as my other kids become preschoolers. Obviously, I did have some say as to which books my preschoolers had access to, but I tend to give them free range during library trips and when it comes to choosing which books in our house to read. I make no promises that you or your child will love these books as much as my kids have, but to be included on this list, they had to be books which at least one of them requested day after day and seem to have made some sort of lasting impression.
Favorite Books for Preschool
Here they are, my family’s personal favorite books for preschool. Click each title for comments and more information.
Click here for more book lists containing my own family’s personal Family Favorites.
Related Links:
Best Books for Preschoolers
Best Books for Kids
Preschool Learning Activities
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