This is such a sweet book for a child that is not feeling well. First the main character is there for all his animal friends. Then when he is sick, they are all there for him.

Title: A Sick Day for Amos McGee
Author: Philip C. Stead
Illustrator: Erin E. Stead
Publication Year: 2010
Age Group: Preschool, Kindergarten
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Comments: This would be such a great book to read to young kids when they are sick or injured. The message is that when you are not feeling well, the people that love you will be there to help you feel better. I had happened to already have this book checked out from the library when my 6 year old broke her leg.
This book seemed so fitting. My daughter may not be able to get around very easily, but all of her friends and family have come together to take care of her. We all want to make her life easier and more pleasant as she is recovering. I think it is such a great message for kids. If we show kindness to others without expecting anything in return, and in our time of need, we will be surrounded by people that love us.
Included on Lists:
- Personal Family Favorites: Preschoolers
- Personal Family Favorites: Kindergarten
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