Personally, I think anyone can get pretty far just by reading and playing alone, but there are times, of course, when one needs to learn some new skill through actual concentrated effort. Of course, the best situation is when the effort doesn’t feel like effort…when the individual actually enjoys what they’re doing so much that they don’t seem to realize they’re “learning” or have so much fun, they don’t really care why they’re working so hard.
I hope to help my children learn to read and write in a very natural, organic way primarily by reading to them and surrounding them with good books. However, there are definitely times when children can be helped along in a fun and unpressured way. Reading is so important that personally, I have a hard time just leaving this skill to chance.
I have always been a math nerd. Algebra, trigonometry, calculus, partial differential equations…it doesn’t matter. I love numbers. I hope to pass on this enjoyment of mathematics to my children.
History, geography, government, civics…there is so much to learn from the many fields within social science that is relevant to our lives.
Science is the field that tells us how the world works. I think all kids are born with an innate scientific curiosity. Many people grow out of it as they get older, but I never did. I hope my kids never do either.
I am a mechanical engineer. While science in its purest form explains the theory behind the “how”s and “why”s of the world, technology and engineering are what happen when you apply that knowledge to practical applications.
Both of my oldest children have attended a Montessori school for preschool. There are so many aspects of a Montessori education that I love, like the child-led learning philosophy, the lack of tests and grades, the self-correcting, hands-on learning material, the emphasis on nature, and the cosmological perspective.
I learned about the Charlotte Mason homeschooling philosophy through an acquaintance about a year ago when I told her I was planning to start homeschooling. It has a religious basis, but I think there are lots of really valuable aspects of this educational style that all families can benefit from, regardless of their spiritual background.
I think it is more important that kids under 5 play than perform structured learning activities. However, I also think if they learn things like colors, letters, shapes, and numbers while they are young, they will have an easier time when they are older. Therefore, I occasionally include some Pre-K learning activities into my young childrens’ day.
All the Things
In case you don’t know where to start, here are ALL the posts in this Learning Activities section. I hope some of it is helpful to you!
I have two grandchildren and appreciate good ideas.
I hope you find some activities here that your grandchildren will enjoy! :)
Alyxis Hall
Hi I am having a hard time printing the free printable’s . I was also wondering if your had an interactive learning book based on dinosaurs? I would really love to teach my daughter about dinosaurs and I have an extremely intelligent nephew who is 4 going 30. He absolutely love dinosaurs! I home school my daughter and I love the little Velcro interactive books. I want her to learn more things like space, history, dinosaurs, animals, Moore colors(magenta, royal blue, coral) things for higher education. Can you help me?
Hi Alyxis. Can you let me know what problems you are having with the printables? This is the post that has my dinosaur lapbook and Montessori-inspired cards:
You can also see all the posts that have free printables here:
Brenda Barrett-Coleman
Hello! How do you access the printables? Your lessons are beautiful.
Hi, Brenda! Thank you so much. My free printables can be accessed in the materials list of any post that features a printable. They are also linked to again in the first step of the instructions. You can find a list of all the posts that have free printables here:
Eggy Car
Your ideas are very creative, I am very impressed with this way of learning math. I will use them with my 2 kids.
I hope my resources are helpful to you!😊