A couple of my kiddos have a tendency to write their letters bottom to top. One of them, who is dyslexic, also sometimes writes his letters right to left. In the long run, do I think it’s really going to matter if they never outgrow these habits? Not really. I think they’ll be fine. However, I think the writing process will be smoother if these guys learn to write their letters in a way that’s more efficient. I made these lowercase printing sheets for them so that they could independently work to learn to form their letters correctly.

Honestly, the main reason I started making these sheets was that I got an iPad and was playing around with Procreate. I was trying to see all the capabilities of this remarkable and fun program when I realized that I could gradually fade out lines. Since reminding my young boys to start their letters from the top is a daily annoyance, this gave me the idea to write all the letters in Procreate and shade them so they could remember which direction the letters should be written.

By having the child start at the darkest part of the letter and move towards the lighter part of the line, the child intuitively knows which way to write the letter. They don’t need me constantly reminding them. After a trial run, I decided to add dots to indicate where the child should place the pencil. This is particularly helpful for letters that require you to pick up your pencil and place it a second time. I also decided to alternate as the child moved down the page between the letters that showed the path and tracing letters that were solid color so the child could gradually practice remembering more and more which way to go.

At the bottom of the page are some blank spaces so the child can practice writing the letters without tracing at all. My kids have not graduated to that level yet, LOL. Another nice thing about these free printing pages is that you (and I) can print them again as needed. I actually bound a copy of the whole book for my kids using my binding machine. However, if a particular letter is giving my kid trouble, I might print that page again and wordlessly hand it to them to let them know they need some review.

Hopefully, these sheets are as helpful to you as they have been to me and my kiddos! I actually have number and uppercase printing pages ready as well that I’m planning to post soon. I haven’t made the pages yet, but I’ve also made Procreate cursive letters as well that I was planning to put together for my kids as they get older. Sign up for my newsletter to get notified when they are available!
Recommended Age Range: Kindergarten, Early Elementary
Time Required: 1 minute
Difficulty: Easy
Cost: Free printable
1. Print out the Lowercase Printing Pages as many times as you want!
2. Optionally, you may want to bind the pages using a binding machine, combs, and covers.
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