It is important to me that my kids help out around the house. My sanity depends on it. Our family is relatively big. That means there are a lot of clothes to wash and mouths to feed. I am a much happier parent when I do not spend my entire day cooking and cleaning. When my kids help with chores, we have time to do fun things like art projects and play games.

It is also important that my kids do chores, because I do not want them to grow up into sloppy, unhygienic adults. I want them to love organization and a tidy home as much as I do. I realize this may be an over ambitious goal. No one loves organization as much as I do.
However, I think they can at least appreciate the coziness and tranquility that a clean home provide. A freshly washed table is like a blank slate. A jigsaw puzzle, an art project, a science experiment…They are more than happy to fill it back up with projects, but they at least appreciate when they wake up to all those possibilities.
I’ve developed several tools over the years to help my kids regularly do chores. We have used some of them in conjunction with each other and some of them we have used back to back. I do not think any of them are necessarily better than the others. They are just for different seasons of life. Also, rotating them keeps things fresh and keeps the kids motivated.
I hope these free printables assist you in growing kids who help you out around the house without complaint!
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