Frequently, by the time kids are 8 or 9, they are able to play most games without help. They can remember the rules and are able to read well enough that this is no longer a limitation. All these new abilities really open up the world of tabletop gaming to kids in this age range.
I really enjoy playing a lot of the same games as my 8 year old. Some of them have academic value, some of them have none at all, but many of them are a lot of fun. It’s easy to get carried away buying too many games for the 8+ group. If you can, I recommend trading games with other family’s that like games too. We’ve been exposed to so many games that way.
Below are some games our family has enjoyed for mid elementary (3rd and 4th grade). Click on each game below for a detailed review.
Family Favorites
The games below are favorites of my mid elementary aged kids and are enjoyed by the whole family. If you are going to invest in a game, these are the ones that I highly recommend.
All Mid Elementary Games
Here are all the mid elementary games that our family has enjoyed along with some thoughts about our experiences playing them. Some of these games might be favorites of the older age groups, though mid elementary aged kids are able to play as well with help.
Click here for more Board Games Reviews for kids of all ages.
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