Dixit is so creative and fun. My 7 and 10 year olds LOVE playing this game. My husband and I love it too. Since it doesn’t require any reading, our 3 and 5 year olds can play with us. The younger kids don’t typically win, but they can still score points, which keeps them interested. This is on of those games I plan to hang on to for when my kids are grownups. I can see Dixit holding our interest for a long, long time.
Dixit Info
Product: Dixit
Company: Libellud
Website: https://www.libellud.com/dixit-2/
Recommended Age Range: 7 to adult, younger kids can play since no reading is involved, but they will not be as able to play strategically
Price Range: ~$30
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
This game is gorgeous. The illustrations that come on the set of 84 cards used in Dixit are completely enchanting. They are perfect for sparking a child’s curiosity. The open-ended images could be used on their own as story prompts.
Since there is no reading involved in this game, it is one of those rare strategy games that is appropriate for pre-readers. If younger kids are playing, however, I would recommend these playing card holders. To win, it is important that other players can’t see your cards. Winning isn’t as important with the toddler. He just has fun playing with the family and we all let him score some points.
I also love that this game can be played with up to 6 players. With our family of 6, it’s sometimes frustrating to get 4 player games. I end up having to buy 2 copies of the same game so that everyone can play at the same time. If your family happens to have 7 or 8 people, it would be easy to adapt this game to more players without needing to purchase anything additional.
The way this game is played is that everyone is dealt a hand of images. Whoever’s turn it is will pick one of their cards and give a clue. For example, the clue could be something like “falling” or “light.” My 7 year old once said, “low and high.” Everyone will look in their hands and pick the card that best matches the clue.
All of the cards will then be mixed up and everyone will try to guess the original card that the player chose. The trick is that the player who chose the card will be penalized if either no one or everyone guesses their card. That means their clue needs to be vague, but not completely unrelated to their card.
Extra points are awarded if you guess the right card or if someone guesses your card. This makes the game fun for everyone. My toddler and kindergartner might not be the best at coming up with clues, but grown-ups can remedy this. I usually pick a card I know is wrong when it is their turn so they don’t lose points for everyone guessing their card. Cheating? Maybe a little, but it keeps it fun for everyone.
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