Most kindergartners are not able to read books on their own. What they really need at this age is to have someone who will sit with them and help them decipher the words. Once they start to have some success, then they will be motivated to try independently. Easy book series for beginning readers are great, because many of them build in difficulty allowing the child to gain their confidence. Below are some suggestions based on what our family has found to be the best book series for kindergarten!
Note that these kindergarten books are targeted at 5 and 6 year olds. However, remember that all children are different. Whatever your child’s age, they will have the most success if you find books that are at or just above their current reading level.
Kindergarten Book Series
Tug the Pup
Tug the Pup is an excellent place to start helping kids learn to read. My kids have used all 3 box sets. They start off very short, easy, and predictable, which is exactly what kids need when they are just learning to sound out words. Then they gradually get harder, allowing kids to build up their skill and endurance over time.
Elephant and Piggie
If there is one book series that I think EVERY kid should read, it is Elephant and Piggie. These books are too fun to be missed. Even if your child is in second grade and reading above this level, I recommend picking these up from the library. What I especially love about Elephant and Piggie is that they MOTIVATE kids to push their limits. My kindergartner struggles to read these with me, but he is laughing before he even deciphers the words, because he knows whatever comes next is going to be funny. If buying the whole collection is too big on an investment, they have 3 volumes of smaller compilation books as well.
First Little Readers
We picked up a couple sets of these First Little Readers from Costco. They are not the most fun, but they are predictable and help kids build confidence. With my second child, we worked our way through these books one a night per night over the period of a couple months. Honestly, it was at times a little painful for me to sit quietly and listen to my child work through these when I had dishes to do. Howver, she enjoyed the quality time and it was invaluable the development of her reading abilities.
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