I believe in borrowing the best of each educational philosophy. After reading A Charlotte Mason Education and More Charlotte Mason Education, I’ve decided that I really like this method. In the future, I plan to incorporate many aspects of this style of learning into my homeschool.
For example, one of the foundational principals of Charlotte Mason is that kids should learn from “living books” rather then text books. A living book is basically a book that someone might read for pleasure. They are typically written by and for people who have a deep interest in that subject. They often feature real people living real lives. Nobody picks up a text book for fun. Our kids should be reading books by authors who love their subject matter.
Another aspect I love is the “Book of Centuries” for learning history (click here for a free printable version). I’m also interested in having my children keep nature journals and using narration rather than written tests to evaluate what my children understand.
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