Having lived in California my whole life and not having traveled much, I am TERRIBLE at geography. Also, I don’t know if it was just my school district or if this was common, but I have never in my life had to take a geography class.
To be fair to my peers, I knew less geography than basically everyone growing up. My knowledge was so comically limited that one of my very good high school friends once modified a map of the U.S. which she called “States of Confusion” as a gift for me. She’d relabeled the states with names such as Cuba or the State of Denial. Homeschooling has really remedied my lack of geography knowledge. I’ve learned more geography in the last 5 years than I did in my 2 decades of education.
If you are looking for other resources to help your child get good at geography, here are some suggestions:
- A laminated world map is my #1 recommended geography resource. We have one on our wall and anytime we come across a country in our learning, we find it on the map.
- This set of 6 is a little pricey, but Geopuzzles are another great way to practice geography in a fun, hands-on way.
- My kids don’t watch a ton of television, but Where On Earth is Carmen San Diego? is one of those shows I don’t mind my kids watching I need an uninterrupted block of time.
Click here for more Social Science activities for kids.
Here are some hands-on geography related activities that I have created to do with my kids.
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