There is not a game in the world that makes my kids laugh as much as this one. Not all parents are going to be comfortable with the potty references, but all in all, the humor is pretty tame. The most sexual it gets is “hot girls.” There is no bad language. However, there may be a few references to farts and diarrhea. The other great aspect of this game is that anybody can win each round, so younger kids don’t feel left out, and winning isn’t really the point, so there aren’t typically any hard feelings.

Not Parent Approved Details
Product: Not Parent Approved
Company: Not Parent Approved
Recommended Age Range: Box says 8 and up. Really, anyone who can read independently can play independently. In our family, an adult just helps the ones that are too young to read. That way everyone can play. My youngest loved this game even when he was four.
Price Range: ~$25
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
This game is so childish and immature and my kids Eat. It. Up! If you have ever played Apples to Apples, you will be familiar with the concept. One person reads a card to provide a prompt. Then, all the players choose the card from their hand that they think best fills in the blank. The person who read the prompt gets to pick which card is the winner and that person goes next. However, while Apples to Apples is fun and funny, Not Parent Approved is more fun and funnier, especially if you like potty humor and being a little naughty.
It seems like Grounded for Life and Kids Against Maturity are two similar games with the appealing element of naughtiness, but we have not played those games yet. While there is some mentioning of farts and diarheea in Not Parent Approved, there are no sexual references or bad language. We did not remove any cards to play, though I could see why some parents would choose to. This is a game that my kids love to play when people come to visit. Sometimes I am mildly embarrassed depending on who the guest is. However, this game gets my kids laughing so hard that everyone always has a good time.
The one downside of this game is that when you have played it as much as we have, probably over 30 times, it does lose some of its vibrance, since we have seen all the cards several times before. I thought I could solve this problem by getting the expansion packs. However, that turned out to be a waste of money as my kids did not find the expansion cards to be as funny as the originals. I think next we wil try Grounded for Life, then move on to Kids Against Maturity, but it is definitely worth having one of these games in your game closet for when you want to improve everyone’s mood and get the kids laughing!
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