This is another really clever concept from the book Teaching Montessori in the Home: The School Years (Affiliate Link) that teaches number sequencing. I love that it’s a hands on way for a child to learn their “teens” and how to count by tens to one hundred. Ideally, this would be made out of wood, but since I think it’s probably effective enough not to be needed very long, I just made a printout instead. Since kindergarten children in my community are expected to know how to count and order numbers to thirty, I also made a strip for the “twenties.”
Recommended Age Range: Kindergarten
Time Required: ~15 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Cost: Practically free, though you do need one sheet of thick printer paper like card stock and a printer.
- 1 Sheet of Card Stock (I used 110 lb weight, but any paper thicker than normal printer paper would work, or you could laminate printer paper.)
- Seguin Boards document (You may need to install a free version of Adobe Acrobat if your computer does not already know how to read pdf files.)
Supplies & Tools:
- Printer
- Scissors
- Print out the Seguin Boards document using card stock.
- Cut along the thick dark lines. The white single digits 0 through 9 on the left hand column should each be their own little rectangle. The rest of the columns should be cut in strips.
The white strips and digits are for the children to manipulate. The grey strips are “answer keys”. Therefore, the child could use just the single digits to order the numbers from 0 to 9. They could use the strip with all 10’s and the digits 0-9 to make 10-19. They could use the same material to instead make 10 to 100. There is no answer key, but the 20-strip could be used for the child to order the numbers 20-29. Combining these boards with Montessori bead material makes the lesson even more meaningful.
Click here for more Counting and Number Recognition activities for kids.
You’re welcome. :)