I am so honored to have been given the opportunity to be a science contributor for 123 Homeschool 4 Me. My first post on their site is up this month! Head on over to check out my really easy and inexpensive homemade battery activity.
Your kids can harness the power of electricity by putting together their own homemade batteries using items you almost certainly already have lying around your house (pennies, aluminum foil, paper towels, vinegar, and duct tape). They can then use their batteries to power an inexpensive LED. This activity is a great way to show kids in elementary and middle school how electrons moving through wires can power devices and get them thinking about the challenges involved in powering large devices. Hopefully this activity will also bring them a new appreciation for technology they use everyday from indoor lighting to smartphones.
Click here for more Electrical Engineering activities for kids.
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This is so wonderful. These activities help kids to become strong in science.
Thank you! I love science, so I hope lots of kids learn to love it too.
TechyKids Canada
Activities like these are not only fun for kids but also can spark their enthusiasm towards science. Thanks for sharing these ideas!