Title: Dear Zoo: A Lift-the-Flap Book
Author/Illustrator: Rod Campbell
Publication Year: 1982
Website: www.rodcampbell.co.uk
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
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Comments: I had never heard of the book Dear Zoo before I started researching these book lists to find books for my own kids, which is somewhat surprising, given that my grandma was a children’s librarian and I was the perfect age to enjoy it when it was released in 1982. Both my toddler and preschooler seemed to really like it, though we only got to keep it for a day, so I don’t know how much lasting power it would have had with them. It was clearly too young for my preschooler, but both of them wanted it read multiple times. One thing I really like about this book as opposed to other lift-a-flap books is that not only does it feature flaps (which are a universal hit in this house) and animals, which even the youngest toddlers enjoy, but each page has a different adjective as well for the child to learn (and remember and fill-in-the-blank) while I’m reading. Why did they send the monkey back? “He was too…?” “Naughty!” shouts the 2 year old.
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