My kids were recently enrolled in a storytelling class called Telling Tales through Brave Writer. One of their assignments suggested using the book Noodlehead Stories: World Stories Kids Can Tell and Retell. Although that book does not have any pictures, all of my kids thought the stories about foolish people doing silly things were hilarious. While searching for that book at the library, I discovered that there is a Noodlehead picture book series as well. It turns out, my kids are just big fans of Noodleheads in general.

Noodleheads See the Future Details
Title: Noodleheads See the Future
Author: Tedd Arnold, Martha Hamilton, and Mitch Weiss
Illustrator: Tedd Arnold
Publication Year: 2018
Age Group: Kindergarten, Early Elementary, Mid Elementary
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Since my kids aren’t allowed to use what they call the “stu word,” they would tell you that these Noodleheads are….not so smart. I’ll be honest, I thought the original anthology, Noodlehead Stories, linked to above is even more hilarious than these illustrated versions. It is packed full of ridiculous people doing ridiculous things. However, my kids really seem to enjoy these picture books as well.
Even my 4 year old seems to understand the humor in these books as the activities these Noodleheads engage in are beyond belief even to a preschooler. For example, in both versions of these stories there is a tale about Noodleheads cutting off the branch of a tree they are sitting on. When someone tells them they are going to fall if they don’t stop, and then the prediction comes true, they assume that the wise person must be able to see the future.
While I wouldn’t add these picture books to our permanent collection, they are definitely worth a laugh if you can get them from the library!
Click here to check out more funny picture books for kids!
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