Any picture book featuring an indignant giraffe is pretty much guaranteed to be a winner. This book about a giraffe who comically keeps getting confused for a chair in more and more absurd circumstances does not disappoint. All of my kids from ages 5 to 11 thought this story was hysterical.
I Am Not a Chair Details
Title: I Am Not a Chair!
Author/Illustrator: Ross Burach
Publication Year: 2017
Age Group: Preschool, Kindergarten, Early Elementary
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This book is simultaneously completely ridiculous and laugh-out-loud funny. All of the forest animals think that the giraffe is a chair despite all of his attempts to set them straight. This story might be funny if that were the extent of the plotline, but there are actually a few twists that make you think the story is going one way when it takes an unexpected turn. For example, the giraffe runs into a human who we were sure was going to recognize the animal, but nope. He was still mistaken for furniture. His interaction with a lion was delightful.
I appreciate humorous books that all of my kids can enjoy. Many of them go over my 5 year old’s head, but not this one. It turns out that absurdity is appealing to children of all ages. Add to that the fact that towards the end of the story the giraffe has to pee and this book is a surefire winner among those that enjoy a little potty humor (which definitely includes all four of my children).
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