Product: 24 Piece Puzzles
Company: Varies
Recommended Age Range: 3-4 years
Price Range: ~$5-$15
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Comments: I really underestimated my son’s puzzle ability until I realized that a neighbor’s three year old was doing 24 piece puzzles. I thought my son, who just turned 3, was nowhere close to being able to do puzzles with any interlocking pieces. I was wrong. I helped him do a few, and he grew his confidence doing the same ones over and over before he learned to love trying new puzzles. He spent hours and hours independently working on them. (I was so proud.) My advice is to find puzzles with study cardboard or wooden pieces that interlock well together. Sets of multiple puzzles in the same storage box are usually the best deal. There are some 12 piece puzzles that have the picture underneath which might be helpful in the beginning, but my son quickly outgrew these.
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