Title: How to Stop the Battle with Your Child
Author: Don Fleming
Publication Year: 1987
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Review: If one is really battling with their child and has a relationship that is completely out of control, I think this book might help. However, to me, most of the ideas in this book seem out-dated and sort of obvious. Privileges, such as watching TV, should be removed for a wide range of unacceptable behavior. Going to bed early, going to bed without dinner, and being sent to one’s room are other consequences for misbehavior such as lack of cooperation, poor listening, aggression, and general irritating behavior.
The most useful advice I found in this book was to state expectations and follow through with stated consequences calmly and without losing one’s temper (good advice, but easier said than done). While I probably won’t ever refer back to this book, I do feel like this is the one book that has ever reminded me of my mother’s parenting. While I try to have a more positive disciplinary approach with my own kids, I turned out okay, so how wrong could it be? (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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