Title: Montessori and Your Child: A Primer for Parents
Author: Terry Malloy
Publication Year: 1974
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Review: I found this little (hand-written and photocopied) book at my local used book store for $1.50. I don’t think I’d spend much more than I did on it, but I felt like it was a good find. At the time I had just enrolled my son in a Montessori preschool and I really knew nothing at all about Montessori. It took me about an hour to read the entire thing and I have to say it was pretty useful.
It’s the sort of book that I probably will not give away and might lend to anyone interesting in the Montessori philosophy of raising children, not just parents who are interested in sending their kids to a Montessori school. It is divided into 5 different sections: 1) What is your child really like? 2) What does your child need? 3) How can you help your child? 4) What is the Montessori way? and 5) Appendix. The appendix is as long as the other sections and describes Montessori material. As I got more interested in providing Montessori-like material at home, I found this section particularly useful. (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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