Title: Your Child’s Growing Mind: Brain Development and Learning from Birth to Adolescence
Author: Jane Healy
Publication Year: 2004
Website: janehealy.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: This material in this book was interesting and the author really seems to try hard to apply what’s understood about developing brains to the raising of children. However, I have to say that not much of it really stuck with me. The sorts of ideas that I remember are the concepts that I already knew, such as left-brained (analytical, detail-oriented) vs. right-brained (creative, big-picture) type people. It talks about how different people have different learning styles and more easily learn some subjects vs. others.
The most useful part of the book I found was the section that described all the different things that have to happen for a preschooler to do what they’re asked (hear that they are being spoken to, take in the words, figure out the meaning, respond appropriately, etc.) Given that my preschooler frequently seems to ignore what I ask him to do, I now have a much greater appreciation for what my requests are like from his perspective.
It was also interesting to read about the logic of children as they get older and are able to think with more complexity. However, apart from trying to have a little more patience, I don’t think this book will have any effect on how I parent. (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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