Title: 100 Best Books for Children: A Parent’s Guide to Making the Right Choices for Your Young Reader, Toddler to Preteen
Author: Anita Silvey
Publication Year: 2004
Website: www.anitasilvey.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: I really enjoyed this book. The introduction makes the statement, “…Nothing ensures the success of a child more in society than being read to from infancy through young adulthood.” While on the surface it seems like a bold statement, this is something that I have sincerely believed for most of my life.
The book choices for the top 100 are not really very surprising, but I think that quality is both necessary and desirable from a book that pares down the thousands and thousands of great books to 100. In addition to the top 100, there are is also a list of a few hundred more in the back of the appendix, which is useful.
While her choices are safe, the really enjoyable part of this book is the summary and backstory that go along with each title. The author comes across as extremely knowledgeable about both books and the entire publishing process and I found her commentary fascinating. (Personal Rating: 8/10)
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