If your kids enjoy the Harry Potter or Percy Jackson series, they will almost certainly love Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston. I have 3 boys and one girl, and I love when I can find a book with a female protagonist that my boys can get into as much as my girl! We have had several family flops over the years (like Keeper of the Lost Cities, which my daugher loved and my oldest son couldn’t stand), but Amari wasn’t one of them. We are so excited for the next book to come out this summer!

Amari and the Night Brothers Details
Title: Amari and the Night Brothers
Author: B.B. Alston
Publication Year: 2021
Website: https://www.bbalston.com/
Age Group: Mid Elementary, Late Elementary, Middle School
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
I’ll be honest…there are many kid’s books that I tend to tune out when we’re listening to them in the car (Wings of Fire, the Warriors books…). My kids love them, but they just don’t hold my attention. Amari and the Night Brothers, however, held me just as captivated as my kids. There is magic, enchanting characters, danger, adventure…I was hooked too! We found ourselves happy to have places to go so that we would have more opportunities to listen!
The plot is fast-paced and filled with action. The main character, 13-year-old Amari Peters, is likable, spirited, and relatable. If exposing your kids to diverse characters and authors is important to you, this book checks all the boxes, but, honestly, this is just a bonus. Amari and the Night Brothers is a winner in kid appeal no matter the category. My kids (who were ages 7 to 13 at the time we listened to it) were so excited when they found out there was a sequel. We quickly devoured that too. Now they are looking forward to the third installment this summer!
Included on Lists:
- Personal Family Favorites: Mid Elementary
- Personal Family Favorites: Late Elementary
- Personal Family Favorites: Middle School
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