I'm so honored to have my third guest post on 123Homeschool4Me. While this activity does not ACTUALLY defy the laws of gravity, this "anti-gravity" Ping-Pong ball experiment is SUPER easy and impressive. Even my husband and I were surprised by the result at first and we have PhDs in engineering. ...
Middle School Learning
Ancient Egyptian Monument Cards
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!It's incredible that many of the great monuments of ancient Egypt are still standing today. To think that they were made THOUSANDS of years ago and we are still able to appreciate them up close is amazing. I honestly hope that one day I get to see many of these monuments in person, especially the ...
Homemade Battery Activity
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!I am so honored to have been given the opportunity to be a science contributor for 123 Homeschool 4 Me. My first post on their site is up this month! Head on over to check out my really easy and inexpensive homemade battery activity. Your kids can harness the power of electricity by putting ...
20 Historical Figures Worth Knowing
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!There are certain important figures from history that all kids should know about, right? A few months ago, I picked up the National Geographic Kids book at Costco called Little Kids First Big Book of Who which I've been using with my kindergartner to go over some of the world's most famous ...
Ancient Egyptian Cards
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Ancient Egypt was one of the world's most powerful civilizations. Their prosperity lasted for thousands of years. These free, printable cards describe 12 of the most famous Ancient Egyptians. They can be combined with several of my other resources onAncient Historyfor learning about this important ...
Relative Size of the Sun Activity
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!The sun is probably one of the most amazingly useful objects in our solar system. Not only does it provide us with light and warmth, but the energy it gives off sustains all life on Earth. For example, human beings rely on plant life both for food and oxygen. All plants require the sun's energy to ...
Ancient Egypt Definition Cards
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Egypt has such a rich and fascinating history. It's amazing to me how we can know so much about people that lived thousands (and thousands) of years ago. Throughout this school year, I'm planning to help my son learn about ancient history. What better place to start than with ancient Egypt? These ...
Universe Cards
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!If you liked my solar system cards from a couple weeks ago, I'm hoping you'll like these free, printable, 3-part Montessori-style universe cards as well. Before too long, I plan to make some space exploration cards to go along with these sets, so be sure to sign up for my newsletter if you're ...
Blank World History Timeline
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!I first heard about the concept of a blank world history timeline in the book More Charlotte Mason Education. If one follows those guidelines, each child has their own "Book of Centuries" that they keep throughout their whole education (starting maybe around 4th grade). Each century of human history ...
Solar System Cards
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Is there anyone who isn't fascinated by astronomy? My kids admittedly have a hard time wrapping their heads around the enormity of space and will ask questions like, "What's bigger...Jupiter or California?" However, they love talking about planets and learning whatever I'm willing to teach them. ...