Title: Valerie and Walter’s Best Books for Children
Author: Valerie V. Lewis and Walter M. Mayes
Publication Year: 2004
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: I think this book is out of print now, which is unfortunate, because I really think they should update it and come out with a new edition. The two authors are remarkably thorough at selecting great books for children. They break their choices up not only by reading level, but by listening level as well. This book uses keywords and has handy appendices and extra lists in the back.
I’m working on trying to read books of a given theme each week during the summer and it is super useful to be able to go to the back of the book and see what they have for dinosaurs, for example, or trains or trees or just about anything you can think of. This is a great resource. I love it and am happy that I was able to find a used copy fairly cheap. (Personal Rating: 8/10)
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