I'm pretty sure this is the only read aloud that made me laugh so hard I couldn't continue. Other books have made me laugh until I cried, but with this one, not only was I crying, but I literally couldn't get the words out. I had to hand the book to my ten year old to read a sentence for me. Don't ...
Kids Books
The Wild Robot
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!This unique and quirky book was absolutely delightful. From the description, I wasn't sure my family was going to enjoy it, but it was recommended by so many people, I figured we had to check it out. From the moment we started reading, it was clear this book was unlike any others we have read. ...
By the Great Horn Spoon
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Our family actually enjoyed By the Great Horn Spoon so much that we've done it twice. We read it the first time a few years ago when my oldest was in first grade and I remember liking it then. He remembered enough of it that when it was time to host a party school book club, we decided to choose ...
The Penderwicks
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!We listened to the audiobook for The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, 2 Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy for a book club. All of my kids loved it. It's rare to find a book that both the 5 year old and 10 year old enjoy, but this one satisfied everyone. Title: The Penderwicks: A ...
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!I just finished reading aloud Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1: The Lightening Thief to my kids and it was my 8 and 10 year old;s favorite book in a long time. They literally begged me to read multiple chapters after every meal. We finished it in under a week, because they were so eager to ...
The Prairie Thief
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!The Prairie Thief is one of the best read alouds our family has ever heard. Maybe it was because we listened to the author, Melissa Wiley, read it to us live on social media, but everyone in our family loved it. Our toddler was mesmerized. My 10 year old even asked if I could buy the book after so ...
Ducks Don’t Wear Socks
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!The perfect book for serious kids that need to loosen up a bit, all four of my children (ages 3 through 9) thought this book was hysterical. Title: Ducks Don't Wear SocksAuthor: John NedwidekIllustrator: Lee WhitePublication Year: 2008Age Group: Preschool, Kindergarten, Early ...
Wolfie the Bunny
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!My 7 and 9 year olds thought this book about Wolfie the Bunny was HILARIOUS. I thought it was really funny as well. I'm pretty sure it went over the heads of my 3 and 5 year olds a bit. During the first reading I think my 5 year old in particular was concerned about the direction this book was ...
There Might Be Lobsters
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!Some kids tend to worry more than others. I definitely have one who keeps himself up late at night worrying about all the things that could ever possibly go wrong. If you have a worrier too, then this is a read-aloud you won't want to miss. Title: There Might Be LobstersAuthor: Carolyn ...
The Old Woman Who Named Things
This site uses affiliate links. I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!I want my kids to be compassionate people who not only respect their elders, but have empathy for all human beings. This book is a great way to allow kids to understand what it feels like to be nearer the end of your life in a way that is sweet, without being sad. Title: The Old Woman Who Named ...