Title: Heading Home With Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality
Author: Laura A. Jana and Jennifer Shu
Publication Year: 2005
Website: drlaurajana.com and www.jennifershu.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: I received this book for free from the hospital with my second child and didn’t read it. However, when I had my third child, we had some issues breastfeeding initially and I looked through my resources to try and find forgotten ways to improve my week-old child’s latch. I stumbled across this book on my bookshelf and decided to read it.
If you are in actuality heading home with your newborn for the very first time, then this book is full of thorough, reasonable advice. If however, you’re on your second (or third, fourth, etc.) child, I don’t think there’s anything really useful in this book. The advice is superficial enough that if you’ve done it once before, there aren’t really any hidden gems of wisdom. I didn’t find anything useful to help me with my breastfeeding issues since, while the advice was good, it was already what I was trying.
Also, while I feel like the advice is thorough, I feel like most of it is unnecessary. For example, not many people will need a step-by-step tutorial for how to dress their baby. However, given the wide variety of topics this book covers, since I have it anyway, I will probably keep it until I am sure that I’m done having kids. (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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