Title: How to Behave So Your Preschooler Will, Too!
Author: Sal Severe
Publication Year: 2004
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: There is nothing really wrong with this book. I more or less agree with most of the author’s parenting philosophies. However, I was not overly impressed with this book for two reasons: 1) It’s boring and I had a hard time even motivating myself to finish it and 2) It doesn’t really offer any original or interesting ideas. I feel like most of what is presented is just common sense (like give your child positive attention, be consistent, and encourage them when they behave) and the rest of it is a compendium of all sorts of typical parenting practices (like time outs and star charts). I’ll admit it is a very thorough book discussing everything from reasons for misbehavior to how to deal with common preschool challenges like bed time and potty training, I just didn’t happen to enjoy it. (Personal Rating: 5/10)
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