Product: Indoor Play Tent
Company: WolfWise
Recommended Age Range: 1 to 7 years
Price Range: $35-$50
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Comments: My son received this as a gift at his third birthday party, and if you have space in your house, I highly recommend it. We still make tents on the couch once in a while, but it’s nice for kids to have their own private getaway. It’s super easy to assemble and disassemble, but ours has been up in our guest room for almost a year now and the kids still regularly play in it. For a while we had an inflatable pool inside it which somehow made it even more appealing. For slightly more money, you could probably get a real camping tent, but if you’re unlikely to go camping anytime soon, this is a fun, relatively inexpensive alternative. Also, there are tunnels you can buy separately from the same company that fit perfectly in the circular openings which my kids also enjoy (attached or separate from the tent).
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