Title: Practical Wisdom for Parents: Raising Self-Confident Children in the Preschool Years
Author: Nancy Schulman and Ellen Birnbaum
Publication Year: 2008
Website: practicalwisdomforparents.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: I was really excited to get this book, since it’s all about preschoolers and I have a brand new preschooler and lots of questions. Specifically, I’m having trouble with my preschooler crying when I drop him off and this book has an entire chapter called “Separation: Easing the Way”. However, while they had a lot to say and definitely seem to think that separation problems are common and normal, there really wasn’t anything more helpful than saying that the child will probably adjust within a month. My son has been in school 3 weeks and I was really looking for something more concrete that I could do or say to make the moment of separation easier. (Update: It’s been a month and my kid has stopped crying, so they were right, if not helpful.)
Really, this is not a bad book. It covers literally everything that one might wonder about with a preschooler and the authors are thoroughly qualified to offer advice. However, if one has been around any preschooler or feels fairly confident with their own child up to this preschool period, I don’t think any of the advice is very new or interesting. (Personal Rating: 6/10)
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