Title: Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic
Author: Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
Publication Year: 2006
Website: www.parentchildhelp.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: By the author’s definition, I don’t have spirited kids. While they definitely are capable of having full-blown meltdowns like any child, it is more than exception than their normal temperament. My son is generally pretty complacent and easy-going and my daughter is spunky and more strong-willed than her brother, but really also not exactly “spirited”. Therefore, at least with the kids I have now, I am not the right audience for this book.
Given that, I thought this book was full of good advice, but a little too wordy and dull to be enjoyable. Maybe if the information was more relevant to me, I would have found it more interesting. The overall message is one of respect, kindness, and understanding (how can you go wrong with that?), but somehow it just seemed never-ending and not particularly helpful to me. I would definitely consider checking it out if at some point in the future I feel like I have a child that is particularly hard to handle, but otherwise, I’m much more likely to recommend Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids to anyone with pre-adolescent children. (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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