Title: Teaching Montessori in the Home: The Preschool Years
Authors: Elizabeth G. Hainstock and Lee Havis
Publication Year: 1997
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Review: The real strength of this book is how short and easy-to-read it is. I finished this in a little over an hour while my kids were playing nearby. The instructions are clear. The ideas are interesting. There are even instructions for how to make much of the material at home.
Personally, I’m still not completely convinced of the advantages of Montessori material specifically as opposed to normal, everyday household items and toys, but I love the idea that one doesn’t need to pay for a private Montessori education to expose children to Montessori ideas. Since I’m sure the material doesn’t hurt as long as your child is interested in choosing to work with them, this is an excellent resource for giving these materials a shot. My preschooler just doesn’t seem that interested whenever I make and introduce Montessori material. He’d rather engage in fantasy play, which is very un-Montessori. (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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