Product: LifeStyle Custom Kitchen II
Company: Step2
Recommended Age Range: 1 to 4 years
Price Range: $100
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Comments: All toddlers go through a phase where they love opening and closing cupboards, drawers, doors, you name it. Especially if you don’t have a lot of child-safe cupboards available to your toddler, a toy kitchen is really handy. My mom got an inexpensive one from a drugstore that needed to be assembled from about a billion pieces when my son was 1. He eventually got a fancier/sturdier one too, but the cheap one is really just as nice from his point of view. He’s now nearly 4 and still uses his kitchens regularly in pretend play. Even my 18 month old daughter is learning how to “cook” pretend food and serve it after watching her brother.
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