Title: Baby Signs: How to Talk with Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Talk
Author: Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn
Publication Year: 2009
Website: www.babysigns.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: If one isn’t sure whether or not they want to sign with their baby and needs convincing, this is a very good, thorough place to start. However, since I already knew I wanted to sign with my baby, it reinforced some of the benefits I anticipated, but really didn’t teach me a whole lot. There are lots of cute anecdotes about babies signing and some suggestions about when to use signs. However, their recommendations seemed more or less obvious to me (meal time, bath time, etc.).
There is a discussion of whether to use ASL signs or baby-friendly signs which is interesting. My husband and I chose to only use ASL signs with our first child since we already knew many ASL signs, but we’ve been more flexible with our daughter to take advantage of what she’s physically capable of doing. Lastly there is a signing dictionary at the back of the book and an offer of a “free” (plus shipping and handling) DVD. However, I found free online signing dictionaries to be more useful. (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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