Title: Preschool Confidential
Author: Sandi Kahn Shelton
Publication Year: 2001
Website: www.sandishelton.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: This book is hilarious. I checked this book out from my library, not thinking it would be very useful, but wanting something new to read and already having read most of my library’s local selection. While my child is not quite a preschooler, I can definitely relate to a lot of the behavior the author describes.
The book was so funny I marked passages to show my husband, then made the mistake of trying to read them out loud to him. My toddler asked, “Why is mommy crying?” because I was laughing so hard. It took about seventeen tries before I could get the words out without collapsing into a fit of giggles.
The book dates itself at times, but even so, I highly recommend this book to anyone with a young child. I think the author does a public service by improving the sanity of mothers everywhere through turning the trials of everyday life with a preschooler into something to laugh about. (Personal Rating: 9/10)
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