Title: Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five
Author: John Medina
Publication Year: 2010
Website: brainrules.net/brain-rules-for-baby
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: This was a really solid piece of work, in my opinion. It’s full of tons of interesting studies (including ones that I’d never heard of before, which is becoming rare) and lots of useful information and tips. However, the greatest strength of this book is that the author has a style and a tone which is completely readable, engaging, and friendly.
Many of the books I’ve read recently were packed full of information, but just so dry, I could barely stand it. This one was a refreshing change. The only reason why I didn’t like it more was because, at times, the author says things with which I don’t personally agree and doesn’t really seem to back up those assertions with research. However, this was fairly rare. I can’t even remember exactly what it was that I disagreed with, but I know one instance had to do with punishment and another time I felt more like he was giving advice for training your pet as opposed to dealing with your child. Overall, though, it was a very positive, helpful book, that promotes being empathetic and understanding, a philosophy which I definitely support. (Personal Rating: 8/10)
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