Product: Gertie Ball
Company: Small World Toys
Recommended Age Range: 0 to 4 years
Price Range: $5-$15
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Comments: – I learned about this type of ball in the book, The New First Three Years of Life. The great thing about it is that it’s pretty much impossible to get hurt by this ball. Also, if you leave it a little deflated, babies can hold on to it and drag it around with them as they crawl. The other really great thing about a Gertie ball is that it is super easy to catch, since you can inflate or deflate it as much as you like. My son is about 3 and a half and learning to catch. This is a great ball to practice with because not only is it squishy, but it’s also slightly sticky in a not-gross-at-all way. One thing to note however, is that I originally paid $5.70 on Amazon with free shipping when I purchased them. When I checked today, they are currently listed as $8 with $6.79 shipping. I wouldn’t pay that much for one, but at around $6 total, it’s a great deal. There’s something extra special about a Gertie ball since you can adjust how inflated it is, but if you can’t find one, any squishy ball would also make a great toddler toy.
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