Title: Montessori: A Modern Approach
Author: Paula Polk Lillard
Publication Year: 1972
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Review: I think this is a good introductory book about the Montessori Method specifically applied to the preschool years. I especially liked the first chapter on the historical aspects of the Montessori approach and the chapter on “Montessori and Parents” since as the parent of a newly Montessori preschooler, I’m still trying to understand my role.
The book did not really explain explicitly what I should do to help my child excel in school as I was hoping. Rather it more re-iterated the general philosophy of giving the child freedom to explore and grow in their home environment. While I think the book is very thorough and useful, I did find some of the material in the middle chapters a bit overwhelming long and tedious. However, if one has never heard of the Montessori Method before, this is an okay starting place, though I would instead recommend her daughter’s book, Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius, by Angeline Stoll Lillard. (Personal Rating: 6/10)
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