Title: Mr. Gumpy’s Outing
Author/Illustrator: John Burningham
Publication Year: 1970
Age Group: Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
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Comments: I sort of suspect this book might be popular from a grown-up, artistic appreciation stand point with an added sense of nostalgia rather than a popular-with-kids standpoint. It’s not a bad book by any means. Both of my kids liked it. It’s just that there were aspects of it that they didn’t fully understand, though I tried to explain it to them, and neither one asked to have it read again. They didn’t already know words like “squabble” or “muck about” and my preschooler initially thought the “bleating” goat had a bloody wound. The art, while very unique, is a little bit hard to make out at times and due to the way the pictures are juxtaposed on the double spread layout, my toddler thought the animals getting on the boat were enormous. The concept of the story itself, however, is perfect for toddlers in its predictability of structure and both of my kids appreciated the tea party at the end.
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