This is a much longer picture book than I usually include in our list of funniest picture books. However, my kids love it so much that my 7-year-old won’t let me return it to the library. It is a series of about 20 short stories, each featuring a wise and foolish man named Mulla Nasruddin. Several of the tales even had my 12-year-old giggling along with the younger kids.

Be Quiet! Details
Title: Riding a Donkey Backwards: Wise and Foolish Tales of Mulla Nasruddin
Author: Sean Taylor and the Khayaal Theatre
Illustrator: Shirin Adl
Publication Year: 2019
Age Group: Kindergarten, Early Elementary, Mid Elementary
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This book featuring a popular character from Muslim literature was a gem. My kids absolutely adored these hilarious tales. Each one covers a one or two-page spread, so is short enough for even the youngest listeners. There are over 20 tales in all, so lots of laughs are contained within these pages. Each story ends with a punchline that even my older kids appreciated. Occasionally, my 5 year old missed the joke, but often he was laughing right along with his siblings.
These stories reminded us a little of Noodleheads which is another favorite of my kids. One of the stories, featuring a donkey changing into a man is nearly identical. It is interesting how some of these storylines have been adopted and adapted across cultures. Overall, this book was a huge hit with all of my kids. My 7-year-old in particular wants some of the stories read to him nightly. I may end up buying it for him for his birthday he loves it so much!
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