Title: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Author: Judy Blume
Publication Year: 1972
Website: www.judyblume.com/
Age Group: Mid Elementary
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Review: My kids LOVE the Fudge series. We have read Tales of a Fourth Grade nothing twice in the past 2 years due to reader request. I read it for the first time when my oldest was 7 or 8, and then again recently now that he’s 10. He just really wanted to hear it again. I don’t know if it’s because my older kids can relate to the annoyance of younger siblings or just Fudge’s hysterical antics, but they can’t get enough of the Warren family.
I remember loving this book as a child too. On my last read through, my husband was laughing out loud during the birthday party scene, which set me off. I got the giggles and could barely make it through the rest of the chapter. I was wiping tears of laughter out of my eyes by the time it was over. Judy Blume really knows how to write a book that is relatable and hilarious for readers of all ages.
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- 100 Best Books for Children
- The Read-Aloud Handbook
- The New York Times Parent’s Guide to the Best Books for Children
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