Title: The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity
Author: Meg Meeker
Publication Year: 2011
Website: www.megmeekermd.com/books
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: If this book had just been a quick statement about each of her 10 tips (understand your value as a mother, maintain key friendships, value and practice faith, say no to competition, create a healthier relationship with money, make time for solitude, give and get love in healthy ways, find ways to simplify, let go of fear, and hope is a decision – so make it!), followed by the anecdotes she’s accumulated over her years as a pediatrician, mother, and friend, I think I would have really liked this book.
This is definitely a Christian book, but the author seems to focus on spirituality in general as opposed to pushing her own personal beliefs. The author is a very good storyteller and I liked all the personal accounts she used to illustrate her points. What I didn’t enjoy much was all the fluff that she used to back up each of her points.
The problem is that most of her habits don’t need explanation. She doesn’t need to convince people why they should (fill-in-the-blank). For the most part, everyone already knows that her ideas are good ideas, they just might need to be reminded of them, which I think she does quite well with her stories. I also didn’t really like the action plan type sections called “how to make the habit stick”, but I’ve never really been a fan of books that give me “how-to” instructions for raising my kids, so I don’t know why I’d like it anymore applied to myself.
Overall it wasn’t a book I got a lot out of, but again I did like some of the stories, such as the mother who refused to give up hope on her comatose daughter or the grown woman who lived a happy simple childhood never knowing her parents were multimillionaires. For the upbeat, positive stories alone, I recommend it. For making life-changes, not so much. (Personal Rating: 6/10)
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