Title: The Arts and Crafts Busy Book
Author: Trish Kuffner
Publication Year: 2003
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Review: I loved The Toddler’s Busy Book. The Preschooler’s Busy Book has a pretty good selection of ideas too. However, I didn’t enjoy this book as much. There are good, clever ideas. There are also ideas which I think sound like they would be really fun even for me (such as some of the paper mache projects). However, unlike the other two books, this is not one that you can skim through and pick something to do easily and quickly.
Many of the ideas take more preparation than the previous books. I’m not as motivated to follow through with as many of the projects, because I feel like I would spend more time setting up and cleaning up than the child would spend doing the craft. However, I’m not giving away this book right away, as I think it may come in handy when my kids are a little older. (Personal Rating: 7/10)
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