This page includes all the parenting books related to doing activities with kids that I’ve read and reviewed so far. This category of book was much more important to me when I only had one child. Now that I have 3, I find that they mostly entertain each other, and my involvement seems to more get in the way than be beneficial. It’s much more fun (and productive) to watch them play and come up with their own activities than to have their fun centered around and structured by me.
However, when I only had one toddler, some of these books were a lifesaver. I was able to keep my son entertained, engaged, and learning for much of our day together, which made for a happier mom and child. As I’m planning to homeschool kindergarten for the same child next year, I can see this list growing to include more books related to learning activities for older children in the future.
Reviews of Parenting Books on Activities
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