Title: The Toddler’s Busy Book
Author: Trish Kuffner
Publication Year: 1999
Website: www.meadowbrookpress.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: This book is inspiring. When I was at home alone all day with my first child and didn’t know any other parents in my neighborhood, this book made me excited to do new things with and for my 18 month old. I’m convinced he learned so much (letters, numbers, colors, shapes, coordination, imagination, etc.) before starting preschool from using the ideas in this book. The suggestions are predominantly inexpensive, easy, and fun for both parent and child. Also, just reading this book inspired me to think of related ideas for projects, toys, games, crafts, and more. I liked this book so much that I bought several other books in the series: The Preschooler’s Busy Book, The Arts and Crafts Busy Book, and The Wiggle and Giggle Busy Book, but I never really used the other books as much as the toddler book. Also, I notice I’m not using this book as much with my second child, since really all she wants to do is follow around her older brother anyway. However, when I was struggling to figure out what to do with my firstborn, this book came to my rescue. As my son gets older (he’s currently almost 4), I use the books less and less since he’s now able to come up with ideas of games to play on his own. However, I still pull them out on occasion to think of fun things to do together after preschool or when I’m home alone with my toddler daughter. I can always find something new and fun to do that involves little to no preparation, and think “Why didn’t I think of that?” I really should pull this book out more often. (Personal Rating: 9/10)
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