Title: The Pocket Parent
Authors: Gail Reichlin and Caroline Winkler
Publication Year: 2001
Website: pocketparent.com
Amazon Product Page (Affiliate Link)
Review: This is not a great book to check out from the library, because it’s more of a reference guide than something meant to be read cover to cover. However, if I were to find this at a used bookstore, I would definitely pick it up. It has lots of good advice and suggestions for 2 to 5 year olds.
It is also recommended by one of my favorite parenting authors for the 2 and under set, Burton White, who wrote the forward to this book. If you had any of a number of problems (tantrums, whining, hitting, thumb sucking, etc.), I think this would be a great place to look for sanity saving tips.
The book also includes a list of recommended children’s books corresponding to each of the discussed topics. However, trying to read it in one sitting as I did is a little frustrating since ideas are not continuous and so much of the advice is repeated in the different sections. (Personal Rating: 8/10)
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